February is flying by, don't you think?!
Newsletter February 17, 2024
Potluck Update
Next Potluck
Hygiene Essentials Drive
Updates on Projects
Help and Items Needed
Donor Thank You’s
Where the Money Went
Potluck Update!
The potluck at Lynn Heinrich’s on February 15th was amazing. Forty people attended and we raised over $2,000! There were a number of new people in attendance, and we all learned about what South SLO County Womenade does and all about the upcoming Hygiene Essentials Drive (formerly known as the Toiletries Drive).
Next Potluck - March 21, 2024 3:30 to 5PM at Lopez High School
Mark your calendars! Lopez High School is hosting their second annual Tea Party Potluck Fundraiser for South SLO County Womenade. This is a fabulous event where the whole school gets involved with setting up and participating in the occasion.
We are looking for more hosts for potluck fundraisers in the latter part of 2024! Please consider spreading the word throughout South SLO County and inviting your network of friends to join us. You can do this by hosting a potluck fundraiser. There are so many areas in South SLO County that don’t know who we are and what we do! Help us get the word out!
Hygiene Essentials Drive April 1 – 30, 2024 Robin Pisz, leader, with great assistance by Candace Guldeman
Our Hygiene Essentials Drive (formerly known as Toiletries Drive) will run from April 1 – 30, 2024. Womenaders have been terrific supporters of this drive for the last six years. Yes, this is our 7th annual drive for hygiene essentials. Toiletries are one of the most requested items by low income people. People using Cal Fresh (California’s Food Stamps) cannot use it to purchase toiletries.
Hygiene poverty is not being able to afford many of the everyday hygiene and personal grooming products most of us take for granted. Poor hygiene and hand washing cause sickness and disease. Poor hygiene can also cause social rejection and may also lead to bullying, low confidence and low self-esteem. One in three families has difficulty affording personal hygiene products.
Update on Projects
Books for Pacific View Academy Library
In mid November Jennifer Bowen, Principal of LMUSD Alternative Education, reached out to us with the need for a little library at the Pacific View Academy (PVA). During November and December Piper Adelman and her friends answered the call to start a little library for the Pacific View Academy. Here is her update: “I wanted to thank you all for your generosity and kindness. Several weeks ago I asked you to consider purchasing books from Monarch books and helping to create a little library for Pacific View Academy, and you did just that! Principal Jennifer Bowen is purchasing a little rug and we plan on having Friday story times.
The books are really lovely. It brought a lot of joy making this space for the students to enjoy and giving support to a valued local bookseller in the process. Thank you for being part of the village that supports literacy and community!”
Laundry Pop Up – Belinda Benassi - leader
At the Laundry Pop Up today in Grover Beach we met Jessie, an entrepreneurial client asking for information about how to sell his produce and eggs. One of our volunteers was able to share with him that he could go on Facebook to the SLO Cal Farm Stand page. Womenaders always finding ways to help other!
Please consider joining us in the future to help pay for 3 loads of laundry! It’s a fun event and very rewarding. Each month we only need about 3 volunteers. Belinda Benassi leads this program and could use a few more volunteers. If we had a larger list each volunteer could do it once a quarter! Contact us at sslocwomenade@gmail.com and we’ll put you in touch with Belinda.
Nipomo Food Distribution – Rosemary Cleaves, Sue McCutcheon, and Mary Anne Morgan - project leaders
This is a picture of our set up for bagging food items donated by South SLO Womenade to the food distribution. We work with the SLO Food Bank and Nipomo Elementary School to make the Food Distribution happen. The February food distribution was on Tuesday February 13 at the Nipomo Elementary School (always the the second Tuesday of the month). We gave out food to 330 families, another very busy but rewarding month. We have a dedicated group of volunteers who make this program run smoothly. The next food distribution will be March 12, 2024 from 4:30 to 6:30 PM
Help needed (you asked for a list of where we need help) email us if you can help:
Someone to help search for raffle prizes for the Raffle in April
Volunteer to lead a diaper drive
Substitute volunteers at monthly food distribution on the second Tuesday of each month at Nipomo Elementary School
Hosts for future potlucks in the latter half of the year
Volunteers to assist with the Hygiene Essentials Drive (drop off locations, sorters, boxers, delivery drivers)
Items needed let us know if you have any items:
A woman due in March is in need of two queen beds (mattresses and frames) and a dresser for baby items.
Raffle prizes for Raffle drawing at April Potluck
Toilet paper
1/1/24 TO 1/31/24 $8,257.15
1/1/24 TO 1/31/24 $8,257.15
2/1/2019 TO 1/31/24 $506,747.51
Thank you to our January donors! You make everything we do possible! Please note: Our bank insists that checks be made out to South SLO County Womenade (not just Womenade)!
Jill Abercrombie, Linda and Bradley Wilbert, Joann and Stan Benson (2), Mary De Jong, Rosemary Cleaves, Fran Norris, Community Grants Community, Lynda Allen, Mary Anne Morgan and Madeline Fay (2), Smart and Final , Karen Kolba, Sheila and Richard Semana, Wendy Castleman, Elaine Stewart, Cory Gonzalez, Olive and Mike Shu, Steven Finch, Mindy Bailey, Carol Chenot, Gail Applegate, Robin Perrin, Susan McCutcheon, Carol Joyce, Michelle Meder, Shasta Brander, April Hyder, Elise Carraway, Diane Brown, Gitta Westra, Marcella Gelman, Liz Wilkes, Caity McCardell, Leigh Cullen Dana Robertson, Anita Shower, Jessica Griffiths, Debra Jackson, Vickie Vega, Nicki Bywater, Raye Fleming
In Kind Receipt
Please complete and submit the in-kind receipt to help us track how much you all are also contributing in donor offered items: This is a jpeg that you can copy and print.
Department of Social Services – Jannine Lambert – Director; Sheila Wolpert – Division Management Support
Client recently suffer an injury at work.Due to this, client was fired from her second job as they were not able to accommodate her injury.Client is still waiting for workers comp checks and needed food and other items. $50 Walmart
Homeless PT ran out of gas and needs to get to an appointment in SLO $25 Chevron
PT needs a bus pass to get to her dialysis appointment, her vehicle broke down and does not have the funds to fix it. $5.50
Casa Solana – Renée Poirier – Executive Director
Casa Solana was able to provide a gift bed for a second month to a women in her 30's who struggles with substance abuse.She has been able to have visits with her son and is currently looking for employment $800
Oceano Family Resource Center – Advocate Stella Medina
A family of six needs rental assistance. The father is unable to work due to a heart condition. Family in need of January rental assistance to avoid eviction. $500 California West
Child support stopped without notice. Automatic payments bounced and the mom had to pay fees. She needs help paying her car payment for January in order to continue getting kids to school. $300 Chase Auto
Single disabled mother struggling with the high cost of living and needs help with electric bill. Working with the forgiveness program but needs to the balance for this month.$180 PG&E
Disabled single mother raising 3 children on a limited income and no child support. Family in need of food until they can find other food resources. $100 Smart and Final
Family experiencing financial hardship due to dad working limited hours a day. Needs support with PG+E bill. $113.68 PG&E
Family experiencing financial harship due to dad working limited hours a day Need support with So Cal Gas bill. $100 So Cal Gas
Arroyo Grande Family Resource Center – Cinthyia Ortiz-Corona
Family of five facing financial difficulty due to reduced work hrs at a hotel. Requesting partial support with this months utility bill $253.85 So Cal Gas
Family of 6 recently relocated to Grover Beach from mid-west.They are struggling with elevated cost of living. Need support with trash bill that is past due. $179.67 So. Co Sanitary Svc inc
Nipomo Family Resource Center – Marivel Pille
Mom laid off from work for 3 weeks and has now returned with reduced hours. Family needs assistance to pay internet bill for children to complete school work. $300 Spectrum
Family requesting rental assistance. Dads work hours were reduced due to the rain. $300 Jacobo Soto-verified landlord
Single mom with 7 dependents. Mom wants to go back to school and is trying to get her AA. She is unable to register because of past due balance. Needs support in order to register for Spring classes.$302 Alan Hancock College
Family of 7 struggling. Family had unexpected expenses. Client is behind on her car payment and needs help paying her bill in order to get children to school. $300 Sesloc Federal Credit Union
Family of 4. Fathers work hours have been reduced due to the rain. Need assistance with rent this month. $200 Maricela Arredondo-verified landlord
Family is requesting rental assistance. Father was starting up his own business and fell behind on his bills. He recently started new employment but has not been paid yet. $300 Cider Village Associates
Nutrition Team – Mary Anne Morgan leader
Food for families in need and for school children SLO FoodBank $275.01
5 Cities Homeless Coalition – Janna Nichols Executive Director
Elderly female who was homeless after being released from a psychiatric hold. Connected with 5CHC and moved into Cabins for Change Program. Had no access to wallet, EBT card, etc. when released so 5CHC assisted with groceries until we could get her EBT card replaced.$43.58 Groceries
Single female currently homeless living in her vehicle. She currently receives disability and has a voucher. She sought our services when she had found a landlord who might be willing to rent to her and wanted to get enrolled and receive assistance with application fees and deposit. On short notice, we were able to use these funds to cover her application fee to get the process started, while she worked on getting her documents together to see if she is eligible for our housing program. $15 Application Fee
The Link – Advocate Yuliana Molina - Mesa Middle School and Judkins Middle School and Advocate Brenda Gonzalez – Paulding Middle School
Family of 6 is financially insecure. Parents are only Spanish Speaking. Dad is the only working adult. Requested assistance with food, toiletries, clothing for children and school materials. Assisted family with $200 in gift cards $200 Smart and final/Visa Gift Cards
Family of 5 with 3 underage kids just arrived to the area from Mexico. All are only Spanish speaking. Dad is the only working adult. They are in need of all basic needs. They currently are renting one bedroom in someone's home and are paying rent of a total of $1,300. $200 Rent assistance
Transfer student. Intake- Parent struggling with transportation. Having to take time off from work to pick up and drop off two kids different schools. Assisted with $50 Chevron
Single Parent currently facing eviction. In need of assistance with food expenses and gas for school. Currently waiting on Food stamps benefits. $100 Chevron
Grandparent is caregiver of student. Currently only on SSI. In need of assistance with transportation expense while awaiting for transportation services to approve student's bus card. $50 Chevron $50 Smart and Final
Lopez High School – Jennifer Bowen- Principal; Aurora Munoz – Admin
Wolf market supplies, , for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, support students' behavioral, academic, social, emotional and mental health $37.58
Wolf market supplies, for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, support students' behavioral, academic, social, emotional, and mental health. $52.92
Lopez High School – Wolf Den Heidi Boatman and Jann Jeffries
Black jeans, 1 pr., needed for student's work. $43.09 Ross
Black jeans, 2 pr., needed for student's work. $65.23 Dickies
Mission Hope – Katie Crafton – Oncology Social Worker, Brianda Lemus
Women in her 60’s with metastatic colon cancer struggling with $50 Gas
Woman in her 40’s with metastatic breast cancer having to drive daily over 30 miles for treatment. $50 Gas
To make a donation write a check to South SLO County Womenade and mail to:
Our bank is insisting that checks be made out with the full legal name on the account.
South SLO County Womenade, 1793 Farroll Rd., Grover Beach, CA 93433. We encourage you to become one of our monthly or regular donors. This can be easily done through your bank or charitable foundation. Please remember that if your company has a matching grants program to include us. As you make or update your wills, please consider adding a legacy gift to us for our future sustainability.
or go to our website sslocw.org
Our email is: sslocwomenade@gmail.com
Our website is: sslocw.org
Our EIN# 27-0809744
Phone number: (805) 270-5751
Copyright © 2024 South SLO County Womenade, All rights reserved.
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Our mailing address is:
South SLO County Womenade
1793 Farroll Rd.
Grover Beach, CA 93433