You're making a difference in South SLO County
Newsletter August 22, 2023 We Missed The Bus – Teachers’ School Supplies Updates On Projects Where The Money Went
We Missed the Bus –Teachers’ School Supplies

The Missed the Bus Drive for Teachers collection wrapped up August 14th. Donations came in throughout the month. We discovered that these much needed Teachers’ School Supplies are REALLY EXPENSIVE! In spite of that donors were fabulously generous. The Womenaders at “We Love Educators”, Lisa Arakaki, Piper Adelman, Marguerite McCurley, Kim Heyde and Sharon McDaniel are sorting all items and will deliver them in the next week to five elementary schools in south SLO County. Thank you to all donors, drop off locations, delivery and pick-up people! We appreciate our teachers so much and more so now that we understand how expensive these supplies are! We wish them a great school year.
Updates on Projects
Laundry Pop Up

On Saturday August 19th we held our 4th “Laundry Pop Up” from 9am to 11am at the Washboard Laundromat in Arroyo Grande. Belinda Benassi led a great team of volunteers including Dorothy Mauger, Sheila Semana, Jean Graham and Rosemary Cleaves. We had a manageable flow of customers. While we were there a van from the 5 Cities Homeless Coalition arrived with residents from their little houses, and we paid for them to do their laundry. Another couple from Nipomo exclaimed that we made her so very happy! Another homeless woman expressed her gratitude to those in our community who show they care. Nipomo Food Distribution

On August 8th food distribution at Nipomo Elementary School (the second Tuesday of the month) was the last of the summer vacation distributions. Although many of our regular volunteers were on vacation, a number of people from our volunteer waiting list stepped up. A great team of volunteers unloaded extra food, set up, packed extra food, signed in people, and distributed food to nearly 300 families. The next distribution will be on September 12th.
Weekend Food Bags for Food Insecure Students

We will be starting up our Weekend Food Bags for Food Insecure Students in the middle of September for the new school year. Schools started last Thursday and the schools are getting to know their students to find out which ones will need food assistance. We thank Alex Kramer who continued to provide weekend food bags for the SAFE programs during the summer! If you would like to be part of this effort, let us know and we will connect you with one of the teams.
The Next Potluck

Mark your calendar! October 19, Thursday at 6pm is the next South SLO County Potluck at the 950 Room at Cypress Ridge. MANY THANKS TO OUR FABULOUS JULY DONORS

Linda and Bradley Wilbert, Rosemary Cleaves (2), Joann and Stan Benson (2), Fran Norris (2), City of Grover Beach, SLO Food Bank, Karen Kolba, Sheila and Richard Semana, Wendy Castleman, Elaine Stewart, Jean Baker, Susan McCutcheon (2), Deb Sherry, Sandy Richardson, Christine Mateer, Gee Gee Southward, Mary Anne Morgan and Madeline Fay (2), Carol Chenot, Kathy Zack, Linda Fibich, Marcy Warkentin, Madeline Koontz, Candace Guldeman, Lyn Lamison, Jennie Nagata, Vicky Sady, Gail Applegate, Katherine Hendricks, Lola Zybura, Margaret Blatner, Caity McCardell, Jessica Griffiths, Anita Shower, Ann McDowell

Nutrition Team - Food for families in need and for school children $37.36 SLO FoodBank
Oceano Family Resource Center – Advocate Stella Medina
Single father raising his teen son and caring for his elderly father. Father works but the high cost of living is preventing him from paying for his annual DMV registration fees $300 DMV
Family still Impacted by the rains/floods. Client is self employed in the agriculture industry and the crops are diseased, rot, did not mature. Needs help with July Rent $300 Carla Lamb (landlord)
Homeless family moving into low income apartment in August. Mom can pay for the monthly rent but does not have enough for the deposit that is due tomorrow. $500 The Duncan Group (landlord)
Single parent raising two boys had to pay for her annual car registration fees. With the high cost of living she did not have the extra money to afford the fees and buy groceries until her next pay check. Walmart $100
Grandmother's 5 grandchildren were placed in her custody by CWS. She needs support with purchasing two new car seats. $200 Walmart
Family Struggling with the high cost of living, and the children are home during the summer. Needs help with food until she gets paid next week. $100 Food 4 Less
Family Business burned down, loss of income. Family is building their business back up again, but struggling with the cost of rebuilding and need support with bills. $200 Waste Connection
Single Father of 3 boys lost his job and needs assistance with food until he gets his food stamps in August. He is utilizing all food bank distributions. $100 Smart and Final
A recently single mom of 3 children in need of rentalassistance for the month of June. She is renting a room in order to pay for future month’s rent. $160 Alan Chestnut (landlord)
Father had a stroke on 5/5; he is still in the hospital recovering. His recovery could take months. Neither parent is working at this time, and disability payments have not been issued. In need of assistance with car payment $300 SESLOC Federal Credit Union
Son lost his job and starts a new one on Monday. He won’t get paid for two weeks. Family needs help with July rent to prevent eviction. Family was homeless December through March. $300 Fernando Hernandez (landlord)
Single Mother with two children struggling to make ends meet with the cost of living. Needs help with paying for her gas bill. $35.03 The Gas Company
Single mother going through a divorce, loss of partner’s income. She moved out and now pays rent and utilities on her own. Needs a helping hand until she can get back on her feet. In need of Food. $150 Grocery Outlet
Arroyo Grande Family Resource Center – Cinthyia Ortiz-Corona
Single mother currently struggling with fixed income on SSI, facing recent rent increase that only leaves her $110 for the remainder of the month. Requested support with energy bill. $112.53 PG&E
Single mother currently struggling with recent rent increase. Living on single income and minimal food stamps. Mother requesting support with past due balance. $112.53 Spectrum
Family recently moved to AG after paying $4,000 in deposits, client currently seeking support with glasses purchase $159 Dr. Prewitt Optometry
Family of nine currently struggling as mother was furloughed, currently in appeals process for unemployment insurance. Household under single income for last month and a half. Need help with food $150 Food 4 Less
Family head of household injured and hospitalized for three weeks, mother has to reduce work hours to support partners recovery and childcare. Family has been a month without steady income. Requested support with food resources $150 Food 4 Less
Nipomo Family Resource Center – Marivel Pilla
Single father is taking care of his special needs daughter. He has been missing work due to having to take child to medical appointments. Father is requesting rental assistance. $300 Raul Anguiano (landlord)
Family is in need of assistance for gas to go to their immigration medical exam appt. They recently lost their home due to a house fire. $100 Chevron
The Link – Advocate Angel Lopez - Mesa Middle School and Judkins Middle School and Advocate Brenda Gonzalez – Paulding Middle School
Single mother of 2 children. Mother is looking for better paying employment at the moment and needs assistance buying new clothing for her daughter who is recently going through a growth spurt. $50 gift card
Single parent on disability needs assistance with internet bill. Hours were reduced at work and needs to keep internet service on to attend Zoom therapy meetings. $104.97 Spectrum
Mission Hope – Katie Crafton – Oncology Social Worker, Brianda Lemus
Breast Cancer 60 year old woman with no income struggling to pay for groceries $25 Grocery Outlet
Casa Solana – Renée Poirier – Executive Director
For the second month, Casa Solana was able to split the funds between two women who were able to pay for half of the rent. One of the ladies is in her 30’s; she struggles with substance abuse as well as mental health challenges.The second young lady is in her 20's, she was just released from custody and is working on getting reunited with her 4 month old daughter who has been placed in a foster home $800 gift bed
Department of Social Services
A gentleman is requesting a bus pass to go to the Homeless Shelter in SLO Bus pass

To make a donation write a check to South SLO County Womenade and mail to: Our bank asked that checks be made out with the full legal name on the account. South SLO County Womenade, 1793 Farroll Rd., Grover Beach, CA 93433. We encourage you to become one of our monthly or regular donors. This can be easily done through your bank or charitable foundation. Please remember that if your company has a matching grants program to include us. As you make or update your wills, please consider adding a legacy gift to us for our future sustainability. or go to our website or Our email is: Our website is: Our EIN# 27-0809744 Phone number: (805) 270-5751
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South SLO County Womenade1793 Farroll Rd. Grover Beach, CA 93433