July is flying by! Come fly with us!
Newsletter July 20, 2024
Next Potluck
We Missed the Bus – Teachers’ School Supplies
Projects updates
Help and Items Needed
Update on Funds Received
Where the Money Went
Next Potluck – Mark your Calendars
Thursday July 25, 2024 6PM hosted by Karen Kolba
At the Toucan Terrace Clubhouse 955 Terry Drive
Pismo Beach, CA
Invitations have been sent via Evite. If you did not receive one but would like to attend please email us atsslocwomenade@gmail.com. We’d love you to attend.
Missed the Bus – Lisa Arakaki project leader
It’s our fifth year of Missed the Bus! In late summer we have held a school supply drive for teachers. Every year there are many school supply drives for students, but we forget about the teachers. With the cutbacks in school funding, teachers dig deep into their pockets to provide the needed supplies to help the students excel. The sales are on now. Here is a link to the Amazon wish list: Amazon Wish List for Womenade "Missed the Bus" School Supply Drive
You can shop or mail order from many of the stores, all are having sales now. You can have orders shipped to Susan McCutcheon at 2342 Willet Way, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 to save you a delivery trip. There are many drop off locations - see flyer below for locations.
Glue sticks
BABY wipes (to clean their headphones)
Clorox wipes (to clean surfaces)
Blue Painters Tape
Masking Tape
Magic markers
Large Sharpies for Poster Board
Dry Erase Markers both colored and black
Strong Magnets/Magnet Clips
Scotch Laminating Sheets
Durable Folders
Avery Labels 6427
Flyer to share with friends, neighbors, other groups!
Projects updates
New Project - We Love Educators - To provide LMUSD educators with hands-on volunteer help in the classroom.
School starts on August 15th in Lucia Mar and Teachers are sorely in need of some help!
Did you know? Half of the 12 Lucia Mar Unified School District (LMUSD) Elementary Schools are in desperate need of classroom volunteers. Many of our schools have very few parents available to volunteer in the classroom due to work schedules. One school said every classroom would love a volunteer!
School Volunteer: Volunteers can fall into one of three categories, those being: single event, short-term, or long-term; and one of two student contact categories: limited contact or substantial contact.Research shows that students of schools with school volunteers make better grades and perform better on tests, behave better, have better attendance and are more likely to continue their education.
South SLO County Womenade is now sponsoring the project. LMUSD will fingerprint and do all the vetting.There is a $75 charge for finger printing. If you aren't able to pay the fee, we will help out.
Picture of a classroom volunteer with a student
Lisa Arakaki has led a small group of volunteers for the last 2 years and they need help. These volunteers helped out in many ways, including:
Leading small learning groups – reading, writing and math
Helping with letters, numbers and phonics
Leading and supporting art lessons
Assisting with physical education units
Guiding individual students
You don’t have to be an educator (although that can be very helpful). We need both former educators and lay people to volunteer. You can specify what you’re comfortable doing. Teachers work with volunteers to get the best fit. Please email us at sslocwomenade@gmail.com if interested.
Laundry Pop-Up
The next Laundry Pop-Up Next event will take place on July 20th at Launderia Laundre
Mat, 505 Orchard Rd, Nipomo, CA Hours: 10 am - 12 pm. Each month we only need about 3 volunteers. Belinda Benassi leads this program and could use a few more volunteers.
To offer opportunities for volunteers to sign up in advance for the event site and dates of their choosing Belinda put together this Sign-Up Genius https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B44AEA82DAAF9C52-50105745-2024.
Nipomo Food Distribution – Rosemary Cleaves, Sue McCutcheon, and Mary Anne Morgan - project leaders
The July Food distribution was on Tuesday July 9th at the Nipomo Elementary School (always the second Tuesday of the month) and it was a very busy distribution with over 350 families asking for food. We had the addition of breakfast bags for children. Each bag contained 21 breakfast items. Sadly we ran out of both breakfast bags and food! This picture is of volunteers packing up food that Womenade augments for the food distribution every month. We work with the SLO FoodBank and Nipomo Elementary School to make the Food Distribution happen. Thank you SLO Foodbank and all our fabulous volunteers! Let us know if you want to be on the substitute list.
Help Needed – contact us at sslocwomenade@gmail.com
A second monthly Laundry Pop-Up day – with the success of our first Laundry Pop-Up project, we’d like to start a second monthly event and need a project leader and volunteers. The process and training are available.
The school year is over and our weekend brown bag food project was so successful at the 6 elementary schools we served that we need another team leader to volunteer to lead another program as we spread it to more elementary schools. The process and training are available. So many children don’t have enough food over the weekend without the school free breakfast and lunch programs
A project leader for a diaper drive
Items needed:
School supplies for teachers
Toilet paper
In Kind Receipt
Please complete and submit the in-kind receipt to help us track how much you are contributing in donor offered items: This is a jpeg that you can copy, paste and print.
6/1//24 TO 6/30/24 $7,267.77
1/1/24 TO 6/30/24 $74,301.86
2/1/2019 TO 6/30/24 $572,792.24
Thank you to our June donors!
Debra Jackson, Sandy Strohman (3), Mary MacGyver, Linda and Bradley Wilbert, Thrift Shop St. Barnabas Episcopal, Rosemary Cleaves, Fran Norris, Susan Christie, King David's Lodge 209, Sandra (Gay) Anderson, Mary Stornetta, Karen Kolba, Sheila and Richard Semana,
Mary De Jong, Joann and Stan Benson, Deb Sherry, Olive and Mike Shu, Wendy Castleman,
Elaine Stewart, Cory Gonzalez, Nancy Palmer, Gail Applegate, Sandy Richardson, Carol Chenot, Marcella Gelman, Kathie La Martina, Madeline Koontz, Katherine Ayer, Madeline Stevenson, Gertraud Garner, Mindy Bailey, Candace Guldeman, Nan Fowler, Susan McCutcheon(2), Marcy Warkentin, Phyllis Sims, Jean Leavitt, Mary Anne Morgan and Madeline Fay, Linda Fibich, Gay Evison Groomes, Carol Chenot, Marilyn Knollenberg, Caity McCardell, Lori Connolly, Linda Busek, Barbara Crawford, Marjorie Musselman, Rosemary Cleaves (2), Gee Gee (Joyce) Southward, Dana Robertson, Anita Shower, Jessica Griffiths, Shirley Horacek, PayPal Giving Fund, Kathy Forenza, Andrea Chavez, Kay Mitchell, Mariam Shah, Donna MacCarley, Lara Golden, Karlie Cool, Dove Daniel, Lisa Fraser
Casa Solana – Renée Poirier – Executive Director
Casa Solana was able to provide a gift bed for a second month to homeless mother of six who's children are currently in foster care.She is receiving visitation with her kids and working hard in her recovery. $800
Nipomo Family Resource Center – Advocate Marivel Pille
Single mother with 3 kids needs assistance with car registration fees. Needs her car to be able to get herself and children to therapy and school. $279 DMV
Client was unable to work due to winter storms and her partners hrs were reduced. Client was in a car accident and used up savings for car repairs. Needs support with rent. $300 Consuelo V Gamboa (landlord)
Single mom of 3 requesting partial assistance to help pay for her rent since she used her savings to pay for a car repossession that her ex-partner left her with. She recently started a summer job. $200 Cider Village Apartments
Oceano Family Resource Center – Advocate Stella Medina
Single Mother of 2 children struggling with her mental health which has left her unemployed. The client has applied for state disability but the process is long. The client needs her car to go to MH appointments. $300 Honda Financial Services
Arroyo Grande Family Resource Center – Cinthyia Ortiz-Corona
Single parent became widow 2 yrs ago has been struggling on her own w/ son. Recently switched employment. Requesting support w/ water bill this month. $152.14 City of Grover Beach
Single mother has reunification plan with her children, requested assistance with gas card for supervised visits. $50 Valero
Single mother became a widow a year ago. She has large medical debt/expenses since she does not qualify for Cencal. Requested assistance w/ past due delinquent balance. $183.98 Spectrum
Single mom struggling with household expenses recently received rental increase that adds additional stress to strained budget $300 MJG Property Holding Partners LLC (landlord)
Nutrition Team – Mary Anne Morgan leader
Food for food distributions at Nipomo Elementary School and Lopez High School Food Pantry $17.60
5 Cities Homeless Coalition – Janna Nichols Executive Director
Client living at Cabins for Change has been in the process of applying for Social Security Disability. He has year’s worth of medical paperwork from a variety of providers. He requested help with purchasing planners and folders to keep track of his upcoming appointments and organize his paperwork so it was not so overwhelming.$44.48 Planners & Folders (AmazonO
Outreach client moving into Cabins for Change is currently searching for work and has very minimal income. His car insurance payment is past due and he needs to keep it current to park at the Cabins for Change site and to travel safely and legally as he searches for work and attends appointments.$146.68 Geico car insurance
Client was a former 5CHC Homelessness Prevention client that was able to stabilize with rental assistance in 2022. She reached out again recently after falling ill and being unable to work for several months. She had fallen significantly behind on utilities. 5CHC was able to refer her to some other local resources for assistance and after receiving help from those sources, 5CHC assisted with the final balance of the bill. She is now caught up and has since returned to work. $93.59 PG&E.
Lopez High School – Jennifer Bowen- Principal; Aurora Munoz – Admin - on summer break Lopez High School Wolf Den – Heidi Boatman, Jann Jeffries – on summer break Families in Transition – Wendy Bruse Coordinator of After School Programs, Deicy Trejo – on summer break Pregnancy and Parenting Support – Cami Statler Executive director Lumina Alliance – Debby Nicklas Chief Philanthropy Officer
Single mother with anxiety about her very busy toddler requested baby gates for her tile staircase to keep her baby safe. PPS used funds to purchase two gates to protect the baby at the top and bottom of the stairs. Mother is very grateful. $85.76 Walmart.com
Mission Hope – Katie Crafton – Oncology Social Worker on summer break
The Link – Advocates – Mesa Middle and Judkins Middle -Yuliana Molina; Paulding Middle - Fernando Alvarado (reported last month)
Student was staying with his mom at SLO Homeless Shelter. For the past few weeks, student is staying with his grandparents in Nipomo. This has brought more stability and safety. Grandparents are struggling to meet the financial needs of the student. Mom is not dependable, and difficult to get a hold of. $178Ross, CVS, Nike Outlet store
Due to the nature of the mother’s work as a server their income fluctuates, the father works when trade work is available.Due to previous injury, he is applying for disability.He works when able, but currently there are no jobs available. They will not be able to cover the cost of their car insurance due to rent and other expenses. They should be ok in the following months due to tourism increasing and with that, mother's income increases. This funding from South County Womenade will allow them to avoid getting behind on insurance payments and give them some breathing room$300 Allstate Insurance
First 5 Early Learning Centers (In August will be called SLO County Office Of Education CSPP – California Pre-School Programs) – Shannon Pimentel Program Coordinator
One of the Early Learning Centers families is struggling with food insecurity and children arriving hungry - $272.14 Reimbursement for groceries
Children reported not having enough food and always hungry $199.46 Reimbursement of groceries
Family struggling with bills and very little left over for food. $289.05 Reimbursement for groceries
A dire need for clothing for children who attend program and are in need of emergency replacement clothing $219.69 Emergency Student Clothing (socks, underwear, shirts & pants)
Department of Social Services – Jannine Lambert – Division Manager
Single male, homeless, sleeping outside that is currently wearing wet clothes and is requesting pants and a sweater or jacket if we had it on hand.He is very uncomfortable and doesn't want to get sick with this cold night time weather.We have searched our physical resources here in the office and have not found any clothing. $25 Walmart
Single male, transient in South County stop by to inquire if we can provide assistance with gas money due to him recently getting injured and went to AG community hospital due to an eye disorder, he was advised to follow up with a visit to a specialist in Santa Maria; PT reported unable to attend with the recommendation due to no gas in his car, PT mentioned if we would be able to assist this time, he was grateful that we were able to assist because he was unable to work and hopes he gets back on his feet soon. $50 Chevron
PT came into the office for interview. Does not have a phone. On the way he had to borrow someone's phone to state he might be late as the air in the tire of his bike continues to go low and he is having to stop at various gas stations to refill. He currently has zero resources and is trying to get to and from his drug and alcohol classes .Issued a gift card to Walmart.He was extremely grateful. $25 Walmart
74 year old man, states his SS benefits were stolen, no liquid resources for this month asking for bus pass to get to Social Security and gift card to Walmart to get essentials and food. Bus pass and $50 Walmart
Homeless/Disabled man who needs transportation to get to Peoples Kitchen for free lunch. $25 Chevron
Homeless/Disabled man who needs to get essentials while his Government Assistance is being processed. $25 Walmart
Have a Homeless PT with a dog and needs gas to get to MC appointment $25 Chevron
Homeless PT needs to get essentials while her benefits are transferred over $25 Walmart
PT is struggling with health issues and alcohol issues, Has many doctor appointments and hoping to be back on her feet needs gas for appointments $25 Chevron
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