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It's the love month! Feel the love!

Caity McCardell

February happenings and more!

Newsletter February 4, 2024

Feel the Love - Don’t Get Blown Away

Next Potluck

Hygiene Essentials Drive

Project Updates

Help Needed

Items Needed

Next Potluck -  Mark your calendar! Thursday, 6PM

February 15, 2024!

Our first potluck fundraiser of the 2024 will be at Lynn Heinrich’s home at 759 Avocet Way (in Cypress Ridge), Arroyo Grande. We are always very grateful to Womenaders who step up and offer their home and host a potluck fundraiser for us. Evites have been sent. If you didn’t receive one and would like to attend please email

Hygiene Essentials Drive April 1 – 30, 2024 Robin Pisz, leader, with great assistance by Candace Guldeman

Our Hygiene Essentials Drive (formerly known as Toiletries Drive) will run from April 1 – 30, 2024.  Womenaders have been terrific supporters of this drive for the last six years. Yes, this is our 7th annual drive for hygiene essentials. Toiletries are one of the most requested items by low income people.  People using Cal Fresh (California’s Food Stamps) cannot use it to purchase toiletries.

Hygiene poverty is not being able to afford many of the everyday hygiene and personal grooming products most of us take for granted.  Poor hygiene and hand washing cause sickness and disease. Poor hygiene can also cause social rejection and may also lead to bullying, low confidence and low self-esteem.  One in three families has difficulty affording personal hygiene products.

Now that you have the “why” of this drive, see future updates on the what, where, when and how!

Project Updates

Laundry Pop Up – Belinda Benassi - leader

The Laundry Popup on Saturday January 20th from was very successful. The word got out and our volunteers were hopping. We even had a person who was hand washing items so she could get them into the dryer before we left!  She said laundry costs her over $50 a week! Someone liked what we are doing so much that they donated $100! The next event will take place on February 17th.

Nipomo Food Distribution – Rosemary Cleaves, Sue McCutcheon, and Mary Anne Morgan - project leaders

The next food distribution at Nipomo Elementary School will be February 13, 2024 from 4:30 to 6:30 PM.


Help needed:

  • Volunteers for Hygiene Essentials Drive: collection sites, sorters, packers and drivers! Robin will be at the next potluck with signup sheets

  • Raffle prizes – we need donated raffle prizes for our annual raffle prize drawings. Also a volunteer to help secure raffle prizes from organizations eg. Hotels, spas, theaters etc.

  • Occasional volunteer at monthly food distribution on the second Tuesday of each month at Nipomo Elementary School

  • Hosts for future potlucks - please consider spreading the word throughout South SLO County and inviting your network of friends to join us.

  • Often donors have very useful large items to offer eg. Refrigerators, beds etc.Unfortunately if the donor cannot provide delivery, we most likely will not be able to give it to one of our clients

  • Volunteers interested in leading collection drives during the year eg. Diapers, Feminine Hygiene products, underwear and socks, coats

Items needed

  • Laundry detergent

  • Diapers

  • Pack and Plays


In Kind Receipt

Please complete and submit the in-kind receipt to help us track how much you all are also contributing in donor offered items: This is a jpeg that you can copy and print.


To make a donation write a check to South SLO County Womenade and mail to:

Our bank asked that checks be made out with the full legal name on the account.


South SLO County Womenade, 1793 Farroll Rd., Grover Beach, CA 93433.  We encourage you to become one of our monthly or regular donors.  This can be easily done through your bank or charitable foundation. Please remember that if your company has a matching grants program to include us.  As you make or update your wills, please consider adding a legacy gift to us for our future sustainability.

or go to our website

Our website is:

Our EIN# 27-0809744

Phone number: (805) 270-5751

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