Why a Toiletry Drive? Did you know? Hygiene Poverty is a thing! Toiletries are the fifth most asked for item by those in need in our poorer communities – after food, rent, utilities and gas! So what is Hygiene Poverty? Hygiene poverty is not being able to afford many of the everyday hygiene and personal grooming products most of us take for granted. The reality of low income is that it restricts people's options, leaving us caught between being able to heat our homes, pay the rent, eat or be clean.
Nearly 40% of people in low income and over 50% of 18 to 24 year olds, have gone without hygiene or grooming products or been forced to cut down on them for financial reasons.
So what do people in hygiene poverty do without toiletries? Many of the choices are pretty gross but you can use your imagination. The less distasteful but still unappealing choices include whole families washing their hair, their bodies, their faces and clothes with the same cheap dish washing liquid used to do the dishes; using paper towels or toilet paper for sanitary products; reusing dirty diapers; whole families share a single toothbrush and baking soda!
The mental health of children suffers because they get bullied at school because they have greasy or matted hair and smell, because shampoo and deodorant would have meant missing a meal. People step away from you because you smell or look disheveled. That insecurity eats away at self confidence. People don’t discuss hygiene poverty because it’s shaming.
Most of us haven’t experienced hygiene poverty, so it’s not at the forefront of our minds.
South SLO County Womenade is very fortunate to have two groups who have volunteered to hold a toiletry drive. We are so grateful! The Trilogy Service Club in Nipomo led by a team of Judy Woo, our Trilogy Womenade liaison, Cathy Arvizu, Kim Johnson and Robin O’Rourke. Also in Central and Northern South SLO County Sharon McDaniel with her friends Debby Swenson, and Lori Wertz are also conducting a toiletry drive.
We are collecting the following items at all drop off locations:
FULL SIZE (NOT hotel or travel size. Those can be left at Little Free Pantries around the County.)
Bar Soap
Liquid Body Wash
Baby Shampoo
Baby Soap
Dental Floss
Shaving Cream
Face Cleaning Wipes
Sanitary Napkins
Here are the messages each group is sending out to their networks. Please share with your network of friends, neighbors and relatives about this drive and the many drop-off locations.
The Trilogy Service Club in Nipomo
The Trilogy Service Club (TSC) is sponsoring a Toiletries drive to benefit the South SLO County Womenade. They are an all volunteer organization that supports South SLO county individuals and families in need. Toiletries are among the top 5 things most requested by clients. To help meet that need the TSC is having a Toiletry Drive for Womenade from June 16, 2021 to August 15, 2021.
Drop off locations:
1166 Trail View Place, Nipomo (bin by front door)
1392 Vicki Lane, Nipomo (bin by front door)
1402 Vista Tesoro Place, Nipomo (bin by front door)
Donation receipts are available next to the bins.
The toiletries will be distributed to the Family Resource Centers in Arroyo Grande, Nipomo, Oceano, and The Link, as well as South County Youth Coalition, Lopez High School Wolf Den, Lucia Mar Families in Transition, and County Nurses.
If you would prefer to donate money instead, checks should be made out to So SLO Co Womenade. You can either mail them to the drop off locations or place them under the front door mats.
With Sincere thanks, Cathy Arvizu, Kim Johnson, Robin O’Rourke, and Judy Woo - Trilogy Womenade Liaison
Sharon McDaniel’s Toiletry Drive
South SLO County Womenade is a volunteer organization that supports SLO County individuals and families in need. Toiletries are among the top five things most requested. To help meet that need, Womenade is having a Toiletries Drive from June 28, 2021 to August 15, 2021. Cash donations gratefully accepted, and we will purchase toiletries. Make checks out to South SLO County Womenade. Receipts for your donations are available. The following items are requested:
Drop off Locations:
Avila Bay Club, 6699 Bay Laurel Place, Avila Beach
McDaniel Reporting, 1302 Osos Street, SLO (M-F, 10-4)
2342 Willet Way, Arroyo Grande (Cypress Ridge)
903 Sycamore Drive, Arroyo Grande (off Halcyon near Harloe Elementary School)
1166 Trail View Place, Nipomo (Monarch Dunes)
Toiletries will be distributed to the Family Resource Centers in Arroyo Grande, Nipomo, Oceano, and The Link, as well as South County Youth Coalition, Lopez High School Wolf Den, Lucia Mar Families in Transition, and County Nurses
With sincere thanks, Sharon McDaniel, Debby Swenson, and Lori Wertz
A Great Donation from the Pismo Beach Rotary Club
On June 22, 2021, Rosemary Cleaves, President and Caity McCardell, Treasurer attended the Pismo Beach Rotary Club grant awards meeting. Steve Curry, Pismo Beach Rotary Club Director, nominated us for one of their grants. We were one of the very fortunate three non-profits to receive a most appreciated grant, and we received $864.67 from them.
How to donate:
To make a donation write a check to South SLO County Womenade and mail to: South SLO County Womenade, 1793 Farroll Rd., Grover Beach, CA 93433
or go to our website sslocw.org
Our email is: sslocwomenade@gmail.com
Our website is: sslocw.org
Our EIN# is:27-0809744
Phone number: (805) 270-5751
Copyright © 2021 South SLO County Womenade, All rights reserved.
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South SLO County Womenade1793 Farroll Rd. Grover Beach, CA 93433