Lots of ways to help even in the summer!
Newsletter July 23, 2023
Another Great Potluck Fundraiser We Missed The Bus – Teachers’ School Supplies Updates On Projects Where The Money Went
Another Great Potluck Fundraiser

On July 20th Deb Sherry hosted a Womenade Potluck Fundraiser at her amazing home with views that go for miles! After some time to raise a glass and take in the views, Ann McDowell shared remarks about who we are with the guests. Nicola Glanville from South County Youth Coalition and S.A.F.E (Services Affirming Family Empowerment) spoke about what they do in the community. The guests attending were totally engaged and the food was outstanding!

The Next Potluck
Mark your calendar!
October 19, Thursday at 6pm is the next South SLO County Potluck at the 950 Room at Cypress Ridge.
We Missed the Bus –Teachers’ School Supplies

This year the leaders of “We Love Educators”, Lisa Arakaki, Piper Adelman, Marguerite McCurley, Kim Heyde and Sharon McDaniel are leading our teachers’ school supplies drive. Students have many avenues to receive school supplies before the school year. However, teachers are always dipping deep into their pockets to purchase the supplies they need that the school or district doesn’t provide. The average in elementary schools is over $1,000 a year per teacher! In order to take advantage of the sales of school supplies during the summer, we are holding our Missed the Bus Drive for Teachers from July 6 to August 14th. We’re giving a heads up so we can all take advantage of the school supplies sales when they happen. The team surveyed the teachers and they came up with this list:
Glue sticks
BABY wipes (to clean their headphones)
Clorox wipes (to clean surfaces)
Blue Painters Tape
Masking Tape
Colored sets for students
Large Sharpies for Poster Board
Dry Erase both Color/Black
Strong Magnets/Magnet Clips
Scotch Laminating Sheets
Durable Folders
Avery Labels 6427
Drop off locations:
Candace Guldeman 524 Mesa View Drive
FitForever Gym - 1080 Cypress Ridge Parkway, Arroyo Grande
Judy Woo - 1402 Vista Tesoro Pl, Nipomo
Lisa Murdoch – 117 Pearwood Ave. Arroyo Grande
Lola Zybura – 2367 Brant St. (Cypress Ridge), Arroyo Grande
Nan Fowler – 630 Cerro Vista Circle, Arroyo Grande
Stacy Murphy – 1975 Northwood Rd. (Trilogy) Nipomo
Susan McCutcheon – 2342Willet Way (Cypress Ridge), Arroyo Grande
Updates on Projects
Laundry Pop Up

Our next “Laundry Pop Up” will take place on July 29th, Saturday from 9 to 11AM in Nipomo. This is our third pop up. With our process established we are aiming for a busier time and hope to help out a much larger number of people with laundry. We offer to pay for 3 loads of washing and drying for anyone who comes through the door until our money runs out or the end of our time. If you would like to participate in this project please let us know.
Nipomo Food Distribution

On July 11 (the second Tuesday of the month) a great team of volunteers came to distribute food to nearly 300 families at the Nipomo Elementary School! Missing from the picture are the packers who came for the first part of the afternoon. The next distribution will be on August 8th just before the start of the next school year.
Weekend Food Bags for Food Insecure Students

A scaled down version of this program is continuing during the summer vacation months. The program will start up at full speed in mid-September after the schools have a chance to determine who the students are who need Weekend Food Bags. We are continuing to prepare bags for the SCYC/SAFE programs that are located in the Department of Social Services building in Arroyo Grande. They are continuing to provide weekend food to students in their programs. We have a couple of fabulous volunteers who have signed on to continue this program all summer.

Thrift Shop St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, Susan McCutcheon (2), Phyllis Sims (2), Anonymous, Sandy Strohman (2), Rosemary Cleaves (4), Robin Pisz, Lola Zybura, Emily Myhre (2), Kathie La Martina, Deb Sherry (2), Jean Leavitt (2), Nan Fowler, Nicole Pazdan, Linda and Bradley Wilbert, Fran Norris (2), Mary De Jong (2), Linda Humphrey, Robin O’Rourke, Unitarian Universalist Church, Sharee Howell (2), Diane Georgi (2), Joann and Stan Benson, Kim Hayashi, Connie Smidebush, Theresa Clephan, Kathy Burrow, Patricia Cherlin-Namm, Debby Baxter-Adelman, Teresa Zielinski, Sheila and Richard Semana, Theresa Clephan,Roxanne Povio (2), Sharon Corsie, Carole Moyer, Cynthia Alvarez-Grenz, Jessie Oliveira, Victoria Orlando (2), Robin Parker, Barbara Langham (2), Cheryl Perry, Johanna Manak-Bushman (2), Robin Parker, Cheryl Perry, Rhonda Scattini, Priscilla Smith-Dym, Dawn Land-Walker, Jeanie Walls, Judy Woo, Loretta Penson, Cory Gonzalez (2), Christina Demarest, Beverly Dunn, Terri Einhorn, Cindy Fries, Lori Gager, Claudia Nicastro-Batty, Camille Giotta, J Kostiw, Kimberly Graham, Marilyn Stein-Gray, Thelma Guerra, Linda Jung, Theresa Kennedy, Donna Gorman, Katherine Ayer, Anna Currie, Linda Busek, Wendy Castleman, Nan Fowler, Marcy Warkentin, Elaine Stewart, Jean Steel, John Martinez, Ardie Heinrich, Carol Chenot (2), Kathy Zack, Ilanit Unruh, Erin Stich, Madeline Stevenson, Marilyn Knollenberg, Candace Guldeman, Mary Anne Morgan and Madeline Fay (2), Lisa Murdoch, James and Kendra Paulding, Sandy Richardson, Mariam Shah, Kathleen Secrest, Kathy Forenza, Gail Applegate, Trilogy Service Club, Betty Scully, Caity McCardell, Anita Shower (2), Jessica Griffiths, Karen Bright, Karlie Cool
1/1/23 to 6/30/23 $20,032.49
1/1/23 TO 6/30/23 $59,556.51
2/1/2019 TO 6/30/23 $430,707.77
These figures don’t reflect in-kind donations. We try to track our in-kind donations but we can’t do that without a receipt from you. Please copy the in-kind receipt below, complete it and send the top half back to us for our records. You can scan it or email it to us at sslocwomenade@gmail.com.

Nutrition Team - Food for families in need and for school children $27.10 SLO FoodBank
Oceano Family Resource Center – Advocate Stella Medina
A recently single mom of 3 children in need of rental assistance for the month of June. She is renting a room in order to pay for future month’s rent. $160 Alan Chestnut (landlord)
Father had a stroke on 5/5; he is still in the hospital recovering. His recovery could take months. Neither parent is working at this time, and disability payments have not been issued. In need of assistance with car payment $300 SESLOC Federal Credit Union
Son lost his job and starts a new one on Monday. He won’t get paidfor two weeks. Family needs help with July rent to prevent eviction. Family was homeless December through March. $300 Fernando Hernandez (landlord)
Single Mother with two children struggling to make ends meet with the cost of living. Needs help with paying for her gas bill. $35.03 The Gas Company
Single mother going through a divorce, loss of partner’s income. She moved out and now pays rent and utilities on her own. Needs a helping hand until she can get back on her feet. In need of Food. $150 Grocery Outlet
Arroyo Grande Family Resource Center – CinthyiaOrtiz-Corona
Single Parent, Uninsured by employer and is struggling with her vision. She is seeking support with purchasing a pair of glasses. $100 Walmart
Single mother, recently separated, transferring utilities into her name. Struggling financially under single income requesting support with internet assistance. $144.52 Spectrum
Recently widowed mother is currently requesting support with bed for her youngest child. $224.76 Walmart
The Link – Advocate Angel Lopez - Mesa Middle School and Judkins Middle School and Advocate Brenda Gonzalez – Paulding Middle School
Family is living in hotels and having to drive from whatever hotel they are staying at the moment. Mother is pregnant and due in August. $50 Gas card
Single mother of 2 children. Mother is looking for better paying employment at the moment and needs assistance buying new clothing for her daughter who is recently going through a growth spurt. $50 gift card
Single parent on disability needs assistance with internet bill. Hours were reduced at work and needs to keep internet service on to attend Zoom therapy meetings. $104.97 Spectrum
Mission Hope – Katie Crafton – Oncology Social Worker, Brianda Lemus
Retired male in his late 60s with colon cancer struggling with gas to get to treatments $50 Gas card
Casa Solana – Renée Poirier – Executive Director
Casa Solana was able to split the funds between two women who were able to pay for half of the rent. One of the ladies is in her 30’s; she struggles with substance abuse as well as mental health challenges.The second young lady is in her 20's, she was just released from custody and is working on getting reunited with her 4 month old daughter who has been placed in a foster home $800 gift bed
Lopez High School – Jennifer Bowen, Principal, Aurora Munoz admin
Balloons for graduation $13.93
Families in Transition Wendy Bruse Coordinator of After School Programs and Deicy Trejo Support Coordinator
Unaccompanied youth has beat all the odds and will be attending a CSU college. Her parents are absent. Purchased bedding and laundry basket. Older sister works tirelessly to support her. Student needs support with items for dorm life in SLO. $100
Department of Social Services
Client is homeless in South County and his wallet is missing, Client trying to get a new ID needs transportation to DMV in SLO Bus pass

To make a donation write a check to South SLO County Womenade and mail to:
Our bank asked that checks be made out with the full legal name on the account.
South SLO County Womenade, 1793 Farroll Rd., Grover Beach, CA 93433. We encourage you to become one of our monthly or regular donors. This can be easily done through your bank or charitable foundation. Please remember that if your company has a matching grants program to include us. As you make or update your wills, please consider adding a legacy gift to us for our future sustainability.
or go to our website sslocw.org
Our email is: sslocwomenade@gmail.com
Our website is: sslocw.org
Our EIN# 27-0809744
Phone number: (805) 270-5751
Copyright © 2023 South SLO County Womenade, All rights reserved.
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South SLO County Womenade1793 Farroll Rd. Grover Beach, CA 93433