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Caity McCardell

Updated: Jul 5, 2021

Toiletry Drive

Cathy Arvizu, Kim Johnson, and Robin O’Rourke, Trilogy Residents have stepped up to the plate, and are organizing a toiletry collection drive in Trilogy. Here is the email they sent out to their community: “South SLO County Womenade is a volunteer organization that supports SLO county individuals and families in need. Toiletries are among the top 5 things most requested by clients. To help meet that need Womenade is having a Toiletry Drive from June 16, 2021 to August 15, 2021 The following items are requested: FULL SIZE(not hotel or travel size) Bar soap Liquid shower soap (body wash) Shampoo Conditioner Baby shampoo Baby soap Deodorant (men and women) Tooth brushes Toothpaste Dental floss Lotion Razors Shaving cream Mouth wash Face cleansing wipes Tampons Sanitary napkins The toiletries will be distributed to the Family Resource Centers in Arroyo Grande, Nipomo, Oceano, and The Link, as well as South County Youth Coalition, Lopez High School Wolf Den, Lucia Mar Families in Transition, and County Nurses. Drop off locations: 1166 Trail View Place, Nipomo (bin by front door) 1392 Vicki Lane, Nipomo (bin by front door)" Anyone can drop off at these locations. A Second Toiletry Drive

In addition, Sharon McDaniel and Debby Swenson have also stepped up to the plate and are expanding our reach on the north side of south county. They need a couple of volunteers to be drop off locations for their collection. The drop off location will have a place (typically a box or bin) outside their door for drop offs. Every few days, they will bring in the items and sort into 8 different bags (one for each agency partner). Please let us know if you can be a drop off location. Stay tuned for their dates and collection sites. Start saving your coupons and looking out for sales on toiletry items at your favorite stores! A Quilting Story

The other day I was in line at the grocery store, and I ran into Adele Beher, of the Arroyo Grande Central Coast Quilt Guild. She said that the quilters had been very busy during the pandemic, and she had a number of quilts to donate. She asked if we could use any, and of course I said yes. We received quilts for 19 adults and 10 kids! They are all spectacularly beautiful and will make so many adults and babies very happy. So grateful to the talented and giving quilters in the Central Coast Quilt Guild!

A New Committee Forming – A Grants Committee

After a very successful May Potluck with an amazing raffle, we’ve noticed a downturn in donations. We want to supplement our fundraising by applying for some grants. We're forming our first-ever Grants Committee to help us research, apply for, and manage small- to medium-sized grants. These tasks help us get urgently-needed funds to individuals and families in our community. You don't need grant writing experience, just an eye for organization, some extra time, and an interest in our work. We need your help! Many of you have asked how you can help and this is a great way to get involved. Please join us on Zoom on Tuesday, June 22 at 5:00pm to discuss. Questions or RSVP Caity at . Please let us know if you are planning on joining us. Mark your calendars – Tuesday August 17th at 6PM is our next Potluck and we’ll be in person! Mariam Shah has graciously offered to host our next potluck for our first in person event since the COVID19 Pandemic chased us into solitary confinement! I bet you can’t wait to meet up with everyone again in person, get caught up, learn about what is happening in our community and share some wonderful food and drink! How to donate:

To make a donation write a check to South SLO County Womenade and mail to: South SLO County Womenade, 1793 Farroll Rd., Grover Beach, CA 93433 or go to our website or . Our email is: Our website is: Our EIN# is:27-0809744 Phone number: (805) 270-5751

Copyright © 2021 South SLO County Womenade, All rights reserved.

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South SLO County Womenade1793 Farroll Rd. Grover Beach, CA 93433

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