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Caity McCardell

The First Annual Cookie Swap Event

The First Annual Great Cookie Swap Event!

July 24, 2022

It's less than a month till our first annual cookie swap event - Sunday, August 21st, from 1PM to 3PM. Here is the link to the SignUp Genius sign-up form: Click on the link and follow the instructions. Email us at with any questions. We're trying a different sort of gathering in August. Many of our agencies and advocates have been on break during the school summer vacation. Lucia Mar Schools officially start back on August 18th. The Cookie Swap will be held in the “950 Room” at 950 Cypress Ridge Parkway. Let’s do something nice for someone else and a little something good for ourselves. We invite anyone wanting to come to the cookie swap to make and bring 3 dozen cookies that day. We plan to make up platters of two dozen cookies for our partner agencies, their advocates and their clients. School will just have started, and many of our agencies work with the families and children in the schools. The other dozen cookies will go to bakers to take home. We will deliver the cookie trays to our partner agencies on Monday, August 22! Of course there may be some sampling during the afternoon! Let’s be creative so we don’t end up with 3 dozen batches of chocolate chip cookies! Please plan on bringing your cookie recipe and the story behind your favorite recipe. We plan on sharing recipes at some point. We will ask for a free will offering to help us continue our work with these agencies. Checks can be made out to South SLO County Womenade or you can make a donation on paypal - search for sslocwomenade. We will have some light snacks and beverages available. Come and enjoy a fun afternoon!

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