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Read all about the busy fall we have lined up for South SLO County Womenade!

Caity McCardell

Updated: Oct 18, 2020

Heading into the holidays and South SLO County Womenade has the pedal to the metal!

This newsletter is jam-packed with fun exciting news and activities.  Check it out.

Matching Grant We have a fabulous anonymous matching grant donor!  They are willing to match $5,000 in donations to meet end of the year funding needs for the holidays.  They will match donations between now and November 20th up to $5,000!  Let’s start those checks flying in to:

South SLO County Womenade at 1793 Farroll Rd. Grover Beach, CA 93433.

Remember that you can make donations in honor of someone for a special occasion or the holidays and we will send the honoree (if you send us email contact information) and the donor a customized card.

New Projects for the Holiday Season:

1. Wool Socks for the homeless to be distributed by the 5Cities Homeless Coalition.  Nancy Terrell is leading this project.  She is collecting warm wool socks for the homeless.  Wool socks are the best because they wick away the moisture from the feet and keep them warmer.  The cotton or athletic socks retain the moisture.  She is also collecting warm hats, gloves and scarves.  Socks can be dropped off from November 1 to December 15th at the Avila Bay Athletic Club & Spa, 6699 Bay Laurel Pl, Avila Beach, CA 93424.      


2. Books New and lightly used books for children from Kindergarten to Grade 8.   We have two programs we are providing books for.  We hope to give a new book to each student at Nipomo Elementary School grades K to 6.  We are also collecting books new and used for students at the Independent Study School at the Pacific View Academy behind Lopez High School.  They are new and trying to set up a library for students K through Grade 8.  Whiz Kids in SLO has very knowledgeable people who can help you select books.  Books can be dropped off from now until November 30th at Susan McCutcheon’s house at 2342 Willett Way (Cypress Ridge), Arroyo Grande and a couple of other locations to be announced shortly.

3. Holiday Food Baskets – There are a number of families who are part of the First5 programs in Grover Beach, Nipomo and Oceano who can use some assistance at the holidays with putting together a holiday meal.  We made baskets last year, and it was so appreciated that we are doing it again this year.  We have funds set aside to purchase most of the items. If anyone is interested in doing the shopping and putting the bags together, please let us know.  We plan to do this before Thanksgiving. 

Our next Zoom Potluck is scheduled for Sunday November 15that 4PM. We are looking for your input what type of activities you’d like to have at the virtual potluck in addition to hearing from the advocates.  Please let us hear from you.  We are also asking for your pictures of what you have been doing during the pandemic or pictures that show your involvement in Womenade activities.  We hope to put it together for a collage video at the beginning of the Zoom Potluck. Here is the Zoom connect information:

Topic: S. SLO County Womenade's Holiday Zoom Potluck!

Time: Nov 15, 2020 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Dial by your location

        +1 669 900 6833 US (PST)

Recent needs requested are:

Oceano Family Resource Center, Stella Medina has a family in need of a queen bed and a cot bed for her son to sleeping the living room. She a single mom with four kids her youngest is Autistic. She worked hard to secure her own housing, but the home is bear at this time. Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Please contact Stella atsmedina@capslo.orgif you can help.

Oceano Family Resource Center, Stella Medina had a client who had major dental issues and our donors pitched in to help her get her teeth repaired.  She has finally secured permanent housing and is moving into her new apartment next week.  Beds for her and her son are being taken care of by Five Cities Homeless Coalition however she needs lots of furnishings – couch, chairs, end tables lamps, kitchen table and chairs, and other things to make a place a home.  If you have any items that would help this family please

Where has the money gone?!

Below is a summary of what our agencies have been doing.   We made our latest distributions on October 13thdisbursing $11,100!

The Nipomo Elementary School Food Distribution $0 in October. The distribution took place on October 13th.  Our group of 9 handled the distribution very well providing food to nearly 270 families.  We had a photographer taking pictures for our photo album. It was hot in the parking lot. Everyone stayed hydrated and covered up against COVID19.

Lopez High SchoolReceived $500 in October. 

  • Work out equipment for a student in need of stress relief  $58.98

  • 20 RTA Student Bus Passes for students needing assistance with transportation $680

Lopez High School – Wolf Den– Received $500 in October

Although students  are not in the school they are still stopping by the Wolf Den for necessary items and to do their laundry.

  • Dryer sheets for the new washer/dryer and 2 laundry baskets $25.24 at Walmart

  • Toiletries needed that were not donated by the collection - $21.65 Dollar Tree

  • Gift cards for sneakers and food for students $660 from Vans, Converse and Vons

  • Bicycle Helmet and tire pump for donated student bicycle - $86.19 Trinity Cycle

Arroyo Grande Family Resource Center Received $1,700 in October

  • Family in need of basic needs $100 Walmart

  • Family in need of a gas card $50 Chevron

  • Family lost hours at work due to Covid and testing positive. Rental assistance needed $300 Kim Mistretta (landlord)

  • Dad lost job due to Covid. Down to one income for the family. Assistance needed $100 Smart and Final

  • Dad lost job due to Covid. Down to one income for the family. Assistance needed $153 PG&E

  • Needs copy of birth certificate $25 CDPH

  • Grandmother is taking care of grandchild and does not work. Needs help with food $100 Smart and Final

  • Purchase Walmart gift cards- 5- $50 $250 Walmart

  • Single mom of three. Doubled up and needs help with a school desk for son. $100 Walmart

  • Mom needs help with diapers and wipes $50 Walmart

  • Family being evicted and need help with food and clothes for kids $100 Smart and Final/Marshalls

  • Dad lost job due to Covid. Down to one income for the family. Assistance needed $50 Marshalls

Nipomo Family Resource Center Received $1,700 in October

  • Grandma lives in Coachella and has to drive here to take care of Vincent. Needs gas assistance  $50 Shell Gas card

  • Family in need of basic needs $100 Walmart  card

  • Family in need of gas card $100 Chevron card

  • Single mom battling cancer and she needs help with food. $100 Food4Less

  • Family just came from Mexico and have nothing. Need help with blankets and towels $50 Walmart card

  • Single mom struggling financially. Needs help with clothing and shoes. $50 Walmart card

Oceano Family Resource Center Received $1,700 in October

  • Walmart card needed for basic needs $100 Walmart card

  • Family in need of gas card $50 Shell gas card

  • Parent needs food for children. Walmart card provided $50 Walmart card

  • Homeless Family. Disabled dad needs help with starting up car insurnace so he can get to doctor's appts $206.88 Progressive insurance company

  • Mother had surgery. Behind on bills. Needs rental assistance $300 Belridge Apts Landlord

  • Mom needs help with clothing for kids $200 Gift card Marshalls

  • Dad needs help with food and diapers for his baby $100 gift cards Smart and Final/Walmart

  • Lost job in March due to Covid. Need gas assistance for part time job that she went back to $100 Shell Gas card

  • Recently divorced and had to move, spend saving on move in cost. Needs food and gas assistance $150 Smart and Final/Shell gas card

  • Mom in need of help with food and basic needs $50 Walmart gift card

The Link (south county) Received $1,700 in October

  • Single-mother of two is working part-time and does not have the funds to pay for her daughters prescription glasses. She needs them to be successful. $149 Prescription eye glasses

  • Family of four having financial hardship due to COVID. Father is a part-time fieldworker and mother is a homemaker and helping children with virtual school. They need help covering internet and gas bill $321.94 Internet and gas bill

  • Family of four having financial hardship due to COVID. Father is a part-time fieldworker and mother is a homemaker and helping children with virtual school. They need help covering internet and gas bill $296.76 PG&E

  • Disabled and undocumented mom looking for help with utility cost. Father has just gone back to work part-time but doesn't make enough to cover the bills. $84.95 Electric, Gas and Internet

  • Mother is out of work due to COVID-19 and father has just returned to construction job. They need help covering internet cost. $248.15 Internet

  • Caregiver is out of work due to a accident on the job. She has back surgery in Los Angeles and needs help with gas to get to hospital. $100 Gas and Visa Card

  • Mom is on disability and caring for her two grandparents. Father has no contact with family and provides no child support. Student in need of essential items and food. $100 Visa and Food Gift card

  • Single-father has just returned to work and is behind on utilities. He asked for help with essiential items and gas money. $125.00 Food and Gas card

The Nutrition Team  $0 in October

The Nutrition Team is up and running buying and packing weekend food for students without food over the weekends.  Many thanks to the brown bag brigade led by Judy Woo.  They have purchased food and filled  brown bags for the Mesa Middle and Judkins Middle School students since the start of the fall term.  Also many thanks to the bag fillers led by Mary Anne Morgan who have been meeting every other week to fill bags for the Lopez High School Students who do not have weekend food.

The County Nurses $0 in October

The county nurses report that many have been reassigned during the pandemic. They send in requests and we post them on Facebook and here in our newsletters. Donations of a baby bath and a pack and play were provided by a donor and other donations.

Casa Solana, Inc. $1,600 in October

Casa Solana is using our donation to pay for one of their “gift beds” for women who want to get sober but can’t afford the cost of the stay.  With the donation of $800 in August, South SLO County Womenade will pay for a 3 month stay in a “gift” bed.

First5 Early Learning Centers $1,700 in October

First5 Early Learning Centers in Oceano, Nipomo and Grover Beach have rejoined the South SLO County Womenade family.  They are excited to be able to fulfill some urgent and emergency needs of the families in these three south county cities.

Update on fundraising:

Donations received in September     $5,048.52

Donations since 1/1/2020        $56,870.28

Donations since 2/6/2019        $91,835.41

Merchandise for fundraising

We have created a couple of items to help with fundraising.  T-Shirts $20 and Tote bags $15.   We are not mailing items. 

They can be ordered by emailing Jill Ostrove at  She will need to know:

  • size T-shirt (M, L, XL) and # of T-shirts

  • Totes – Number

  • Pick-up or drop off (5 cities area)

  • How you want to pay: check or paypal

Donors in September  were: J. Owen Eister, Meredith Brown, Barbara Crawford, Bradley and Linda Wilbert, Susan McCutcheon, Lola Zybura, Carol Wilcock, Sandi St. Pierre, Ann Lovegren, Judy Eisenhard, Judith Carleson, Linda Busek, Katherine Ayer, Kathleen Pettersen, Nancy Kraus, Anonymous Cash, Robin Schneider, Connie Hall, Heidi Boatman, Caity McCardell, Rosemary Cleaves, Marla Eaton, Heidi Boatman, Lenore Spelbring, Marilyn Chulack, Cory Gonzalez, Karen Reinecke, Cheryl Goodman, Elaine Stewart, Wendy Castleman, Gwen Carton, Karen Kolba, Aurora Munoz, Jessica Griffiths

We had a number of in kind donations including queen sheets, facemasks, and many many toiletries!

To make a donation write a check to South SLO County Womenade and mail to: South SLO County Womenade, 1793 Farroll Rd., Grover Beach, CA 93433 or go to our or

Our website

Our EIN# is:27-0809744

Phone number: (805) 270-5751

Copyright © 2020 South SLO County Womenade, All rights reserved.

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Our mailing address is:

South SLO County Womenade1793 Farroll Rd. Grover Beach, CA 93433

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