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Many Opportunities to Help Others

Newsletter September 21, 2022


Future Potluck Dinners

September 27 at Gay Groomes home – There is still some room for guests to attend this potluck coming up next Tuesday at 5PM. Let us know if you’d like to attend, we’d love to see you! October 12, 2022 at 6PM at Candace Guldeman’s home on the mesa WHAT’S GOING ON?

Gas Refund Checks California is supposed to start sending gas refund checks soon to some residents who filed tax returns for 2021. If you are fortunate enough not to need this refund check, please consider sending it to us, and we will turn it into gas cards for our many clients who are in desperate need of help with our sky high gas prices and transportation cost – eg. Gas, bus tickets, transportation to school for the children!

General Toiletries We are in the last week of the Toiletry Drive. Lola Zybura and Lisa Murdoch have been sorting what’s already been donated. Much gratitude to all who have contributed! Still could use lots of items – including toiletries for babies. It runs from September 1 to September 30. If you don’t want to shop, you can go on Amazon and have items shipped to Lola or Sue’s addresses (see below). You can send a check with toiletries marked in the memo line and we will purchase them for you! Here is a list of the most sought after items (full sizes please): Shampoo Conditioner Soap – bar and liquid Toothpaste Toothbrushes Floss and floss picks Mouthwash Lotion Deodorant Shaving cream Razors Baby shampoo and baby soap baby wipes Chapstick Sunscreen Band-Aids Nail clippers Drop off locations are:

  • Lola Zybura – 2367 Brant St. (Cypress Ridge), Arroyo Grande

  • Lisa Murdoch – 117 Pearwood Ave. Arroyo Grande

  • Susan McCutcheon – 2342 Willet Way (Cypress Ridge), Arroyo Grande

  • FitForever Gym - 1080 Cypress Ridge Parkway, Arroyo Grande

  • Nancy Terrell – Avila Bay Club,

  • Stacy Murphy – 1975 Northwood Rd. (Trilogy) Nipomo

  • Jean Baker – 925 Miguel Ct. (Trilogy) Nipomo

  • Judy Woo - 1402 Vista Tesoro Pl, Nipomo

School Supplies In October we are running a “we missed the bus” drive specifically for teachers who still need specific school items for their students. Now that the “stuff the bus” campaign is over teachers will still be missing critical teaching supplies and are always reaching into their own pockets for these supplies. Many of the stores have specials on school supplies now. If you want to get items while they are on sale and available, here is a list of items teachers need the most:

  • Large boxes of Kleenex

  • Clorox wipes

  • White Board Markers

  • Papermate Flair Pens

  • Post-it Notes

  • Highlighters

  • Magic Markers

  • Fine tip Sharpies

  • Pencils

  • 1” and 2” binders

  • Glue sticks

  • Scotch tape

  • Masking tape

  • Scissors

  • Rulers

  • Graph paper

  • Masking tape

  • Scotch tape

Holiday baskets – Kristin Heenan is leading this effort again this year! Coming up in November we are going to make Thanksgiving baskets for 100 low income families in our community! Look for the Sign-In Genius coming your way in early October! We’ll need donors, packers and delivery people!


Board of SLO County Supervisors, Vanessa Fujimoto, Karen Kolba, Fred Donati, Linda Fibich, Phyllis Sims, Jean Leavitt, Carol Chenot, Carolyn Biedinger, Brad and Linda Wilbert, Sheila Semana, Joan Pruett, Fran Norris, Susan McCutcheon, Rosemary Cleaves, Elaine Stewart, Carol Wilcock, Winona Smyth, Barbara Neuman, Mary Anne Morgan, Madeline Fay, Cory Gonzalez, Mary DeJong, Wendy Castleman, Caity McCardell, Gail Applegate AN UPDATE ON FUNDS RECEIVED 8/1/22 to 8/31/22 $7,832.85 1/1/22 TO 8/31/22 $51,322.33 2/1/2019 TO 8/31/22 $276,533.81 WHERE DID THE DONATIONS GO?

Nutrition Team - Food for families in need and for school children $383.81 SLO FoodBank Nipomo Family Resource Center – Advocate Marivel Pilla

  • Mother just recently separated from partner. She is going through a difficult time and needs assistance with purchasing clothes & laundry detergent $150 Walmart Gift Card

  • Client is currently separating from her partner. She is staying in the family home and will be the main financial provider for the family. She needs assistance with rent during this difficult time. $300 Ronald Kennedy (Landlord)

Oceano Family Resource Center – Advocate Stella Medina

  • Single father of 3 boys in need of a car part. The car is used to take boys to therapy, school, and doctor appointments. Client starts a new job in two weeks. -$300 AutoZone

  • Aunt now has two nieces living with her. Family is on a tight income and needs help with food until their food stamp application is approved - $100 Food4Less

  • Single mother of 3. New daycare provider as of June 2022. Family got Covid in July and had to close daycare for a few weeks. As a result, client is now behind on her car payment. $300 Capitol Auto Finance

  • Single, disabled father living on limited income. He purchased school clothes and supplies for his son and now does not have the money to pay his car insurance. $192.88 California Heritage Insurance

  • Single mom trying to support her family. Living in an RV in someone else’s driveway. They have no running water or electricity. Mother took custody of the eldest child who moved here from out of state minimal belongings. Mom needs assistance with buying clothing and supplies for all the children. Ross $200 Walmart $200

Arroyo Grande Family Resource Center – Advocate Cinthyia Ortiz- Corona

  • Family moved to 40 Prado 7/28/22. Needs assistance with basic needs items. $100 Walmart

  • Family will be staying at the Paso Robles women’s shelter. Needs assistance with gas to commute to work/Dr. appointments $100 Shell Gas

  • Single parent dad, recently took custody of child. Needs gas assistance to get child to childcare before commuting to school himself at Cuesta College $50 Shell Gas

  • Single mother, unemployed, going back school at Hancock. Son needs special wide shoes. $150 Walmart

  • Family needs support with gas to get to medical appointments. Single parent family of 3. Both children have disabilities and mom is their full time caregiver. Her rent has gone up in the last month and she is struggling to cover all her bills and pay for gas. $150 Shell Gas

  • Single mom, veteran struggling to make ends meet, had neck surgery & is still recovering. Family is on a limited fixed income. Family is also struggling with mental health challenges. Mom is in great need of support. Food 4 Less $100

  • Mother just recently separated from partner. She is going through a difficult time and needs assistance with purchasing clothes & laundry detergent $150 Walmart

The Link – Advocate Juanita Cantu Chavez – Mesa Middle School and Judkins Middle School and Advocate Brenda Gonzalez – Paulding Middle School

  • A low-income student has been struggling with her mental health and has asked for art supplies. She mentioned that art supplies help ease her mind and support her mental health. Unfortunately, her parents work limited hours and cannot afford art supplies. $50 Visa Gift

  • A single mother struggles to get her son to school due to bus shortages. She has missed work on various days due to a lack of school buses and requires funds to cover clothing costs for her child. $100 Visa

Lopez Wolf Den – Heidi Boatman and Jann Jeffries

  • Men's short sleeve t-shirts $32

  • Sweats, shirts, jeans $191.60

  • Brushes, deodorant $24.34

  • Vans, Converse, t-shirts $305.51

  • T-shirts $8.62

  • Wide legging women's pants $60.35

  • Hoodies & long sleeve t-shirts $284.61

Lopez High School – Jennifer Bowen, Principal Wolf Market supplies for student PBIS success $141.48 Families in Transition – Wendy Bruse

  • Off for the summer

First 5 Early Learning Centers – Shannon Pimental

  • Off for the summer

Casa Solana – Renée Poirier – Executive Director

  • Casa Solana was able to provide an additional month stay for a young women who was recently released from custody and did not have the means to pay.She is doing exceptionally well in her recovery

Department of Social Services/ Transitions Mental Health Association Janine Lambert/Mayra Valencia

  • Client was very distraught. She stated she is homeless, with no income, food or basic necessities and everywhere she had gone for help, she was turned away. The family she thought had offered to help her fell through. She stated she was hopeless and didn't think she could go on.We gave her pantry resources and homeless shelter services resources. When she left, she was crying and very appreciative of all the help she received. She stated her hope was restored by our generosity. $50 Shell Gas

The Nipomo Elementary School Food Distribution - on September 13th a stalwart group of volunteers helped to distribute much needed food to 300 families. Once again we partnered with the SLO Foodbank and the school. With the new school year we had some changes to make in our process due to a later school dismal time. The volunteers got it done and we were able to open on time. We had a steady flow of cars with many families. We actually ran out of food to distribute. HOW TO DONATE: To make a donation write a check to South SLO County Womenade and mail to: South SLO County Womenade, 1793 Farroll Rd., Grover Beach, CA 93433. We encourage you to become one of our monthly or regular donors. This can be easily done through your bank or charitable foundation. Please remember that if your company has a matching grants program to include us. or go to our website or Our email is: Our website is: Our EIN# 27-0809744 Phone number: (805) 270-5751

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South SLO County Womenade1793 Farroll Rd. Grover Beach, CA 93433

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