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Look at what you've done! In a good way!

Caity McCardell

Thanks for the memories!!! South SLO County Womenade spreading the meaning of the season through the end of 2020!

We tied up three of our year end projects in December.

Book drive for Pacific View Academy – South SLO County Womenaders and many others helped to start a library for the new high school, Pacific View Academy on the mesa in Arroyo Grande. Books, books books! Lightly used and new books flooded into the two collection sites – one at Kathy Ichien’s in Trilogy and one at Susan McCutcheon’s in Cypress Ridge. Here are pictures of some of the books collected.

We collected about 1500 books from all over south SLO County and delivered them to Pacific View Academy on December 8th. KSBY heard about our efforts and showed a piece on the delivery on the news. Here is a youtube from KSBY. . Pacific View Academy has a temporary librarian who is organizing all the books.

Pacific View Academy is an alternative school environment, independent from the classroom with flexible instructional methods for motivated learners. It has students from kindergarten to 12th grade in a comprehensive Independent Study Program. It is located in Arroyo Grande on the Mesa at 1065 Mesa View Drive.

New Book Drive for Nipomo Elementary School

Over the last few years our food distribution at the Nipomo Elementary School has asked for donations of new books for students who came through the December distribution. This year with COVID19 taking our food distribution to the parking lot with people driving up in cars, it didn’t lend itself to our usual holiday new book giveaway. This year we started the new book drive in late October. Donors dropped off new books at Kathy Ichien’s in Trilogy and Susan McCutcheon’s in Cypress Ridge. The donors were so generous, and we collected 450 new books, enough for each student to receive a new book. We estimate that amounted to at least $3,000 in new books! The school librarian sorted and grade-leveled all the books, and the teachers gave the books out during the last week of school in December. Teachers said they were thrilled to be able to put new books into the hands of their students.

The Wool Socks Drive for 5 Cities Homeless Coalition

From November 1 to December 15, 2020 we collected wool socks for the homeless at the 5 Cities Homeless Coalition. They said they could use 500 pairs for the winter! Once again our donors were very generous. Nancy Terrell led the project and collected wool socks at the Avila Bay Club. Socks were also dropped off at Susan McCutcheon’s in Cypress Ridge. We collected over 200 new pairs of wool socks and we estimate that amounted to at least $2,000! Isela Pena-Pena of the 5 Cities Homeless Coalition (pictured below) was so grateful and happy to be able to give warm wool socks to their clients this winter.

2020 is coming to a close. It has been a very tough year for so many. South SLO County Womenade helped to make things a little better for many through your donations and the hard work of the agencies we sponsor.

Money raised through December 18th 2020 = $88.998.37

Look for our first newsletter in 2021 for our final tally of funds raised in 2020!

The board of South SLO County Womenade and our sponsored agencies thank you all for your support throughout the year. We wish you a safe, healthy holiday season and are looking forward to a fabulous 2021 with all of you!

To make a donation write a check to South SLO County Womenade and mail to: South SLO County Womenade, 1793 Farroll Rd., Grover Beach, CA 93433 or go to our website or .

Our website is:

Our EIN# is:27-0809744

Phone number: (805) 270-5751

Copyright © 2020 South SLO County Womenade, All rights reserved.

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