It’s time for our February “non-food” potluck fundraiser!
Our next gathering is on February 18, 2021 at 5PM via ZOOM.
A year ago our gathering was a real potluck and looked like this:
And now they are like this! Still going strong but food and wine chez vous!
Even though we can’t be together we need you to make it as fun and as great a fund raiser as ever. At the moment we have more advocates than Womenader members who say they are attending! If you’d like to attend you can RSVP through the Evite we sent you or just send us an email and let us know you would like to attend.
We ask for a minimum contribution of $50. There will be fun activities, presentations and lots of new information from our advocates about needs in south county. Come learn all about our raffle that will take place at our May 13th “no food” potluck! Next Virtual ZOOM Potluck Our next virtual Zoom Potluck is scheduled for February 18th at 5 PM.
Topic: S. SLO County Womenade's February Zoom Potluck! Time: Feb 18, 2021 05:00 PM Pacific Time Join the event on Zoom here: Meeting ID: 815 1101 4142 Parenting Bags
In February our latest project is “parenting” bags Babies don’t come with “user manuals”! Help teach parenting skills to new parents! We currently have about 10 of the 80 bags sponsored. You can team up with a few people and go in on a bag together or one person can do the shopping and divide among a few of you. You don’t have to get all the items but as many as you can find and a book or two. There’s always someone who likes shopping more than another --- right? Remember to label your bag of gifts with the level and who you are. Also let us know which level you are doing and who you are so we can track numbers for each level - aiming for 20 bags for each level.
Bags can be dropped off at either: Margaret Kensinger-Klopfer 621 Eman Ct, Arroyo Grande on Tuesdays or Thursdays (any time after 8) in the cardboard box by the front door Or Lynette Roberts 179 Danny Lane, Nipomo Here is a pdf with information about the program and flyers for the public. They will give you a very good idea of how the classes work and you can see the wonderful teachers. One of our agencies, South County Youth Coalition actually teaches parenting skills! They have 80 new parents (40 English Speaking, 40 Spanish Speaking) signed up and could use some help with providing the practice items for the parents to use at home. We are hoping to make up 80 “learning bags” by February 28! There are 4 levels in the curriculum with 20 parents in each level. Level 1 babies 0 – 12 months Level 2 babies 12 – 24 months Level 3 toddlers 24 to 36 months Level 4 children 36 months to 5 years Listed below for each level are the items or types of items helpful for a parent. At the end is a list of books (Spanish and English) that would also be helpful. We need 20 bags for each level. Pick a level, purchase the items, fill your bag, label the bag with the level ( eg. LEVEL 1). Send us an email that you have filled a bag for what level and we will send out an email when the levels are maxed out. Level 1: babies 0 – 12 months
Sensory balls
Teething rattles
Indestructible book or a bath book
Num Num Pre-Spoon (stage 1 baby spoon)
Infant toothbrush
Pink Stork Post-Partum Recovery Tea
Hallow teething tubes
Wink natural teething relief
Any nursing related support items such as nipple cream, nipple pads, lactation tea etc.
Lansinoh Breastfeeding starter kit: nipple cream, nursing pads, breast ice packs
Level 2 – babies 12 – 24 months
Wooden blocks
Wooden puzzle (simple)
Crayons and paper
Busy board
Shape sorters
Xylophone toy
Toddler pillow
Toddler books about numbers, colors or shapes
Lift the flap books
Silicon suction plate for toddlers
Toddler Zinc Sunscreen
Toddler tooth-brush and tooth paste
Level 3 toddlers 24-36 month
Bee Hive/Honeycomb style puzzles
Animal figurines
Hand-kite instrument
Washable kids paint and paper
Kid safe knives
Toddler apron
Toddler cookbook
Toddler tooth-brush and tooth paste
Toddler Zinc Sunscreen
Learning Pod #4 English 9 mothers and 9 toddlers (36 mo-5 yr)
See and spell learning puzzles (English and Spanish)
Hive matching game
Miniature busy board
Phonetic reading blocks
Toddler Water Bottle
Toddler Lunch Pail
Portable travel potty seat
Toddler Zinc Sunscreen or Toddler Sun hat
Toddler tooth brush and tooth paste
Books Level 1
Simple & Safe Baby Led Weaning Book by Malina Malkani MS RDN CDN
Good Moms Have Scary Thoughts: A Healing Guide to the Secret Fears of New Mothers by Karen Kleiman
Your Baby’s First Year by the American Academy of Pediatrics
Baby Signs by Joy Allen
Level 2
What to Expect in the Second Year by Heidi Murkoff
The Ultimate Toddler Activity Book by Autumn McKay
Level 3
The Montessori Toddler: A Parents Guide to Raising a Curious, Responsible Human Being
No Drama Discipline by Dan Seigel
No Bad Kids by Janet Lansbury
Try New Food: How to Help Picky Eaters Taste, Eat & Like New Foods
Potty Training in 3 Days: The Step by Step Plan for a Clean Break from Dirty Diapers
Lets Go to the Potty by Allison Jandu
Level 4
Outdoor Exploration Kit/toddler gardening tools
The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson
El Grufalo y Otros Cuentos by Julia Donaldson
A Squash and a Squeeze by Julia Donaldson
The Detective Dog by Julia Donaldson
No Bad Kids by Janet Lansbury
Whole Brain Child by Dan Seigel
Yoga for Kids and their Grown Ups by Katherine Ghannam
El Hombre Palo by Julia Donaldson
La Saltinadora Gigante by Julia Donaldson
Amazon Smile - Did you know??? Who knew! Until recently Amazon Smile was not available on iPhones!!! AmazonSmile is now available in the Amazon Shopping app on your iPhone. To make a donation write a check to South SLO County Womenade and mail to: South SLO County Womenade, 1793 Farroll Rd., Grover Beach, CA 93433 or go to our website or For your convenience checks can also be made directly from many banks using the bank's "bill pay" feature. If you use paypal please consider adding the 2.5% fee to your donation to cover the fee Paypal charges. Our email is: Our website is: Our EIN# is:27-0809744 Phone number: (805) 270-5751
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South SLO County Womenade1793 Farroll Rd. Grover Beach, CA 93433