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Happenings at South SLO County Womenade

It's August and time to jump into the end of summer and so many opportunities!

Newsletter August 1, 2022

In a flash and July is done! Welcome August and all things South SLO County Womenade! Here’s what’s happening

A COOKIE SWAP PARTY We are trying a new type of gathering - Sunday, August 21st, from 1PM to 3PM. Here is the link to the SignUp Genius sign-up form. Please enter 1 in the quantity slot – It means one batch of cookies please do not enter 36!. Click on the link and follow the instructions. If you would prefer not to use the SignUp Genius, you can email your name and type of cookie to us at and we will add you and your cookies to the list. School starts in Lucia Mar on August 18th. Many of our agencies are involved with the students and families in our school district. We want to thank them for their work and help them welcome back their clients after the summer break. The Cookie Swap will be held in the “950 Room” at 950 Cypress Ridge Parkway, Arroyo Grande. We invite anyone wanting to come to the cookie swap to make and bring 3 dozen cookies that day. We plan to make up platters with two dozen cookies for our partner agencies, their advocates and their clients. The other dozen cookies will go to bakers to take home. We will deliver the cookie trays to our partner agencies on Monday, August 22! Of course there may be some sampling during the afternoon! Let’s be creative so we don’t end up with 3 dozen batches of chocolate chip cookies! Please plan on bringing your cookie recipe and the story behind your favorite recipe. We plan on sharing recipes at some point. We will ask for a free will offering to help us continue our work with these agencies. Checks can be made out to South SLO County Womenade or you can make a donation on paypal - search for sslocwomenade. We will have some light snacks and beverages available. Come and enjoy a fun afternoon! FUTURE POTLUCK DINNERS

September 1, 2022 6 PM at Caren Russom’s home in the village October 12, 2022 at 6PM This is a change date at Candace Guldeman’s home on the mesa We would love to have one more potluck dinner between Thanksgiving and Christmas. If anyone is interested in volunteering to host one, please email us at WHAT’S GOING ON?

  • General Toiletries drive In September we would like to run a. Hygiene Poverty is rampant in our community. Lola Zybura has volunteered to co-lead this project but she STILL needs a co-leader as these items get very heavy and will need to be bagged sorted and delivered. Won’t you help out Lola?! We need a couple more drop off sites - maybe in Trilogy and in Pismo. Please let us know if you would like to do that.

Some folks have said they are already stockpiling toiletries so here is a list of the most sought after items (full size please):

Shampoo Conditioner Soap – bar and liquid Toothpaste Toothbrushes Floss and floss picks Mouthwash Lotion Deodorant Shaving cream Razors Baby shampoo and baby soap baby wipes Chapstick Sunscreen Band-Aids Nail clippers

School Supplies In October we would like to run a “we missed the bus” drive specifically for teachers who still need specific school items for their students. Once the “stuff the boss” campaign is over teachers will still be missing critical teaching supplies and are always reaching into their own pockets for these supplies. Many of the stores have specials on school supplies now. If you want to get items while they are on sale and available, here is a list of items teachers need the most:

  • Large boxes of Kleenex

  • Clorox wipes

  • White Board Markers

  • Papermate Flair Pens

  • Post-it Notes

  • Highlighters

  • Magic Markers

  • Fine tip Sharpies

  • Pencils

  • 1” and 2” binders

  • Glue sticks

  • Scotch tape

  • Masking tape

  • Scissors

  • Rulers

  • Graph paper

  • Masking tape

  • Scotch tape

  • Volunteer opportunity!!! A couple of Womenaders have started a new 501(c)(3) non-profit organization called We Love Educators created to show support for teachers in the Lucia Mar Unified School District (LMUSD) by providing a solid corps of committed volunteers. They are looking for retired educators, college students, and community service group members who want to share their skills and volunteer in classrooms by offering direct, hands-on support. If you are interested in learning more about the organization, please visit their website at WeLoveEducators.Org or call for more information: Piper at (805) 801-5006 and or Kim at (805) 710-2119.


To make a donation write a check to South SLO County Womenade and mail to:

South SLO County Womenade, 1793 Farroll Rd., Grover Beach, CA 93433.

We encourage you to become one of our monthly or regular donors. This can be easily done through your bank or charitable foundation. Please remember that if your company has a matching grants program to include us.

Amazon We are a charity on Amazon Smile. Please remember to sponsor us when you shop on Amazon. You can select us SLO County Womenade and Amazon will give a small percentage of your purchase to us!

or go to our website

Our website is:

Our EIN# 27-0809744

Phone number: (805) 270-5751

Copyright © 2022 South SLO County Womenade, All rights reserved.

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Our mailing address is:

South SLO County Womenade

1793 Farroll Rd. Grover Beach, CA 93433

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